
Outdoor Learning Space

Who We Are

Welcome to our outdoor learning space, where our dedicated teaching team brings the wonders of nature to life! With passion, creativity, and expertise, our educators guide students on a journey of exploration, discovery and growth. Each member of our team is committed to fostering a love for outdoor learning, cultivating curiosity, and inspiring a lifelong connection with the natural world. Together, we nurture every child's potential, empowering them to thrive in both academic and outdoor environments. 

Mr. Sean Moran

1st Grade Teacher

Mrs. Danielle Olear

Pre-K Counts Teacher

Mrs. Dawn Shaffer

3rd Grade Teacher

Ms. Kelly Urbani

Building Principal

Mrs. Amy Rebyanski

Physical Education Teacher

Mrs. Beth Murphy

ELL Teacher

Mrs. Rosie Leonardo

Kindergarten Teacher

Mr. Lee Manning

Learning / Emotional Support Teacher

Mrs. Zoey Tibbott

2nd Grade Teacher

Founder, Mr Sean Moran, Co-chairs Danielle O'Lear and Dawn Shaffer alongside members of IASD administration and Kiwanis Club members during the ribbon cutting ceremony in May 2023.